We Make Milton - Official Plan project
Public engagement is at the heart of We Make Milton, the multi-year review and update to the Town of Milton's Official Plan, which will manage growth to the year 2051.
Launched in July 2019, We Make Milton engages residents so that the new Official Plan reflects the needs of our community. This project is now drafting the new Official Plan policies for discussion, based on the research and feedback received during the ‘Big Questions’ stage.
Project Update
A statutory public meeting was held Dec. 9, 2024, for a municipally initiated Official Plan amendment updating the Town’s Official Plan for all lands located within the Town of Milton. Members of the public are invited to continue to provide input via the Let’s Talk Milton feedback forum below, and/or email to WeMakeMilton@milton.ca.
Review the updated draft of parts one, two and three of the new Official Plan for discussion at the public meeting.
This includes:
- Part 1. New Direction: A Vision to 2051
- Part 2. In-effect Policies
- Part 3. Regional Direction for the Town of Milton
Get involved - we value your input!
- Read the reports.
- Attend a public meeting or engagement session.
- Complete a survey when these are available.
- Add a comment on any policy topic to the Feedback Forum, which we will leave open.
Public engagement is at the heart of We Make Milton, the multi-year review and update to the Town of Milton's Official Plan, which will manage growth to the year 2051.
Launched in July 2019, We Make Milton engages residents so that the new Official Plan reflects the needs of our community. This project is now drafting the new Official Plan policies for discussion, based on the research and feedback received during the ‘Big Questions’ stage.
Project Update
A statutory public meeting was held Dec. 9, 2024, for a municipally initiated Official Plan amendment updating the Town’s Official Plan for all lands located within the Town of Milton. Members of the public are invited to continue to provide input via the Let’s Talk Milton feedback forum below, and/or email to WeMakeMilton@milton.ca.
Review the updated draft of parts one, two and three of the new Official Plan for discussion at the public meeting.
This includes:
- Part 1. New Direction: A Vision to 2051
- Part 2. In-effect Policies
- Part 3. Regional Direction for the Town of Milton
Get involved - we value your input!
- Read the reports.
- Attend a public meeting or engagement session.
- Complete a survey when these are available.
- Add a comment on any policy topic to the Feedback Forum, which we will leave open.
Council to gather input on first sections of new Official Plan
Share Council to gather input on first sections of new Official Plan on Facebook Share Council to gather input on first sections of new Official Plan on Twitter Share Council to gather input on first sections of new Official Plan on Linkedin Email Council to gather input on first sections of new Official Plan linkThe Town of Milton will hold a statutory public meeting to gather public input on the first sections of the Town’s updated Official Plan.
This represents the next step in the multi-year We Make Milton project to develop a new Official Plan that will manage local growth and development to the year 2051.
After significant public engagement, the project team has refined the first set of high-level new Official Plan policies. These sections relate to sustainable growth and livable communities, with more detailed land-use policies still in development.
Meeting details:
- This hybrid meeting will be held at 7 p.m. Monday, Dec. 9, 2024, in Council Chambers (150 Mary Street, Milton.)
- Milton invites the community to attend and participate in this statutory public meeting, in person or electronically.
- Members of the public are also encouraged to view the meeting live stream and to view the report to Council on or after Dec. 2, 2024.
- If you wish to delegate to this Council meeting, please complete the online delegation form by noon on Thursday, Dec. 5, 2024.
The community can also visit Let’s Talk Milton to explore documents, watch for engagement opportunities, and share thoughts on any Official Plan topic any time.
In 2021, Milton Council endorsed a modern, forward-looking land-use vision for the new Official Plan that reflects our diverse, young, and innovative community: ‘Milton 2051: Choice Shapes Us. In 2051, Milton offers a diversity of options for how and where we live, work, move and grow. As we evolve, choice is what shapes us.’
See the complete notice for this statutory public meeting.
Review the updated draft Official Plan (parts one to three).
Statutory Public Meeting Notice: We Make Milton – Official Plan Review LOPA-12/24
Share Statutory Public Meeting Notice: We Make Milton – Official Plan Review LOPA-12/24 on Facebook Share Statutory Public Meeting Notice: We Make Milton – Official Plan Review LOPA-12/24 on Twitter Share Statutory Public Meeting Notice: We Make Milton – Official Plan Review LOPA-12/24 on Linkedin Email Statutory Public Meeting Notice: We Make Milton – Official Plan Review LOPA-12/24 linkTown File: LOPA-12/24
In accordance with the provisions of the Planning Act, this is to advise that a statutory public meeting has been scheduled by the Town of Milton’s Development Services Department for a municipally-initiated official plan amendment updating the Town’s Official Plan for all lands located within the Town of Milton.
Meeting details
Members of the public are invited to provide input at the statutory public meeting.
Date: Monday, Dec. 9, 2024
Time: 7 p.m.
Place: Council Chambers, 150 Mary Street, MiltonNo key map is provided as this amendment is town-wide. A decision about the application will not be made by Milton Council at this meeting.
Application details
- The Corporation of the Town of Milton is updating and amending the Town’s Official Plan under Sections 17 and 26 of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, as amended. The Official Plan is a long-range planning policy document that manages land use, growth and development over a 25-year time horizon. Milton is updating and amending the Official Plan to support its land use planning vision and manage growth in our community to the year 2051.
- The Official Plan affects everyone in Milton. Your feedback and input are important for the Town to consider in the New Official Plan. Public consultation provides the opportunity to participate in shaping the Town’s New Official Plan.
View the report to Council on or after December 2, 2024 at www.milton.ca/CouncilAgenda.
Get involved
The community is invited to attend and participate in the statutory public meeting. This meeting will be held as a hybrid meeting with members of the public having the opportunity to participate in-person at Town Hall or electronically. At this time, members of the public are encouraged to continue to view the meeting by watching the live stream. Should you wish to delegate to a Council meeting please complete the online delegation form at https://forms.milton.ca/Community/Delegate-Request-Application by 12:00 p.m. (noon) on Thursday, Dec. 5, 2024.
If you wish to be notified of the decision of Milton Council on the proposed amendment, you must make a written request to the Town Clerk, 150 Mary St., Milton ON L9T 6Z5 or email townclerk@milton.ca. For a copy of the documents, contact planning@milton.ca.
The Town of Milton is dedicated to meeting the needs of all members of the public. For documents in an alternative format such as braille, large print, electronic or plain language, contact the Town Clerk at townclerk@milton.ca.
Any questions or concerns relating to this application, including information about appeal rights, contact wemakemilton@milton.ca
Legal notices required under the Planning Act
If a person or public body would otherwise have an ability to appeal the decision of Milton Council to the Ontario Land Tribunal but the person or public body does not make oral submissions at a public meeting or make written submissions to the Town of Milton before the by-law is passed, the person or public body is not entitled to appeal the decision.
If a person or public body does not make oral submissions at a public meeting, or make written submissions to Milton Council before the by-law is passed, the person or public body may not be added as a party to the hearing of an appeal before the Ontario Land Tribunal unless, in the opinion of the Tribunal, there are reasonable grounds to do so.
Personal information is collected under the authority of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.P. 13 and may be contained in an appendix to a staff report, published in the meeting agenda, delegation list and/or the minutes of the public meeting and made part of the public record. The Town of Milton collects this information in order to make informed decisions on the relevant issues and to notify interested parties of Council’s decisions. It may also be used to serve notice of Ontario Land Tribunal hearing. Names and addresses contained in submitted correspondence and other information will be available to the public, unless the individual expressly requests the Town to remove their personal information. The disclosure of this information is governed by the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.M. 56. Questions about this collection and disclosure should be directed to the Planner listed above.
Jill Hogan, Commissioner
Town of Milton Development Services Department
150 Mary Street, Milton, Ontario L9T 6Z5Dated: November 19, 2024
Town invites community to engage on the draft new Official Plan
Share Town invites community to engage on the draft new Official Plan on Facebook Share Town invites community to engage on the draft new Official Plan on Twitter Share Town invites community to engage on the draft new Official Plan on Linkedin Email Town invites community to engage on the draft new Official Plan linkThe Town of Milton invites residents and interested parties to learn about and provide input on the draft new Official Plan, which will shape the future of our town.
Public engagement is at the heart of We Make Milton, the new Official Plan project that will manage growth and development in the community to the year 2051.
The draft new Official Plan includes context and sections on sustainable growth and livable communities. It proposes that Milton will:
- Focus future population and job growth in strategic areas with a mix of uses
- Make downtown a lively and distinct destination for the entire community
- Create Uptown as an innovative centre that supports transit and pedestrians with a mix of amenities, jobs, homes, land uses and transportation
- Protect farmlands and operations, as well as the growth and vitality of hamlets
- Systematically protect and enhance its natural environment
- Ensure everyone has accessible and convenient transportation options
- Support housing choices that meet the diverse needs of current and future residents
- Welcome a wide variety of job types
This draft provides a first set of high-level new Official Plan policies. More detailed land-use policies are still in development.
Following this consultation, the draft document will be finalized with revisions. The final draft will be presented to a Statutory Public Meeting later this year.
Attend an engagement session on the draft new Official Plan:
- Thursday, August 22, 2024, at 11 a.m. Presentation followed by time for questions. Register in advance for Zoom webinar.
In person:
- Thursday, September 12, 2024, at 6 p.m. Milton Town Hall. Milton Room. Presentation followed by a group workshop to explore questions. No pre-registration required.
Other ways to get involved:
The community can visit Let’s Talk Milton to engage in a variety of ways:
- Read the Draft Official Plan.
- Share your thoughts on any Official Plan topic any time in the Feedback Forum.
In 2021, Milton Council endorsed a modern, forward-looking land-use vision for the new Official Plan that reflects our diverse, young, and innovative community: ‘Milton 2051: Choice Shapes Us. In 2051, Milton offers a diversity of options for how and where we live, work, move and grow. As we evolve, choice is what shapes us.’
Council asks staff to consult on first phase of new Official Plan
Share Council asks staff to consult on first phase of new Official Plan on Facebook Share Council asks staff to consult on first phase of new Official Plan on Twitter Share Council asks staff to consult on first phase of new Official Plan on Linkedin Email Council asks staff to consult on first phase of new Official Plan linkThe Town of Milton has prepared draft Official Plan policies as a part of the ‘We make Milton’ project, which will be part of future engagement opportunities.
On June 24, Council asked staff to consult on the first phase of new Official Plan policies. The draft policies provide overarching land use planning directions.
These policies form the framework for managing growth. Once the Town confirms the overarching policy direction, detailed implementation policies will be developed.
• View the Council report for the Draft Policies
Watch for future opportunities to provide your input.
Milton's Official Plan update, We Make Milton, moves ahead
Share Milton's Official Plan update, We Make Milton, moves ahead on Facebook Share Milton's Official Plan update, We Make Milton, moves ahead on Twitter Share Milton's Official Plan update, We Make Milton, moves ahead on Linkedin Email Milton's Official Plan update, We Make Milton, moves ahead linkWe Make Milton, the Town of Milton’s Official Plan project, took another step forward as Council endorsed policy directions for the Growing in Milton theme that will help shape the future of Milton.
At its meeting on Nov. 13, 2023, Council discussed and supported policy directions for the Growing in Milton theme, which will help inform land-use decisions that affect Milton’s future growth.
The Growing in Milton topic papers explore policy options for:
- Promoting a local approach to growth.
- Establishing Milton’s future land use structure.
- Managing growth within the settlement areas.
- Envisioning growth and promoting good practice.
- Promoting resource and environmental protection.
- Delivering infrastructure and community services.
Policy directions were developed based on community and stakeholder input, provincial, regional, and local legislation and guidance, and current planning best practices.
We Make Milton, the new Official Plan project, has previously engaged the public on living, moving and working in Milton.
In 2021, Milton Council endorsed a modern, forward-looking land-use vision for the new Official Plan that reflects our diverse, young and innovative community: ‘Milton 2051: Choice Shapes Us. In 2051, Milton offers a diversity of options for how and where we live, work, move and grow. As we evolve, choice is what shapes us.’
“As growth continues, these Council-endorsed policy directions for the new Official Plan will help us align how and where Milton grows with the Council vision for the Town. This will help us continue to make Milton a Place of Possibility.”
- Mayor Gord Krantz, Town of Milton
“Engagement is crucial to We Make Milton, our new Official Plan project. Thank you to everyone who provided input, which has informed these policy directions that will help us manage change and achieve our land-use vision, Choice Shapes Us.”
- Jill Hogan, Commissioner, Development Services, Town of Milton
Notice: Council to consider Growing in Milton report at meeting Nov. 13, 2023
Share Notice: Council to consider Growing in Milton report at meeting Nov. 13, 2023 on Facebook Share Notice: Council to consider Growing in Milton report at meeting Nov. 13, 2023 on Twitter Share Notice: Council to consider Growing in Milton report at meeting Nov. 13, 2023 on Linkedin Email Notice: Council to consider Growing in Milton report at meeting Nov. 13, 2023 linkAs part of the ‘We Make Milton’ project, Council will consider policy directions on how and where future growth may shape the community through Milton’s new Official Plan.
At its meeting Monday, Nov. 13, Council will discuss and consider policy directions for the Growing in Milton theme, which will help inform land-use decisions that affect Milton’s future growth.
- View the Council report for We Make Milton – Growing in Milton.
Policy directions were developed based on community and stakeholder input, provincial, regional, and local legislation and guidance, and current planning best practices.
We Make Milton, the new Official Plan project, previously engaged the public on living, moving and working in Milton.
In 2021, Milton Council endorsed a modern, forward-looking land-use vision for the new Official Plan that reflects our diverse, young and innovative community: ‘Milton 2051: Choice Shapes Us. In 2051, Milton offers a diversity of options for how and where we live, work, move and grow. As we evolve, choice is what shapes us.’
Get involved with the new Official Plan project:
- Visit the Let’s Talk Milton project page.
- Attend the Council meeting in person or watch the live webcast: milton.ca/Watch
- Register to speak at the meeting by submitting a Delegate Request Form by noon on Friday, Nov. 10: milton.ca/Delegate
Have your say on Growing in Milton by Sept. 29
Share Have your say on Growing in Milton by Sept. 29 on Facebook Share Have your say on Growing in Milton by Sept. 29 on Twitter Share Have your say on Growing in Milton by Sept. 29 on Linkedin Email Have your say on Growing in Milton by Sept. 29 linkThere is still time to have your say on how and where future growth may shape the community through Milton’s new Official Plan.
Public engagement is at the heart of We Make Milton, the new Official Plan project that will manage growth and development in the community to the year 2051.
The Growing in Milton step of the project explores policy options regarding:
- Promoting a local approach to growth.
- Establishing Milton’s future land use structure.
- Managing growth within the settlement areas.
- Envisioning growth and promoting good practice.
- Promoting resource and environmental protection.
- Delivering infrastructure and community services.
Complete the survey and get involved:
The community can visit Let’s Talk Milton to engage in a variety of ways:
- Complete the survey before September 29.
- Read the draft background and policy considerations reports.
- Attend an information session online or in person.
- Tuesday, Sept. 26, 2023 at 10 a.m. Register for Zoom webinar.
- Thursday, Sept. 28, 2023 at 7 p.m. Milton Town Hall. Milton Room. No pre-registration required.
- Share your thoughts on any Official Plan topic any time in the Feedback Forum.
A report with policy recommendations is expected to go to Milton Council for approval in November.
In 2021, Milton Council endorsed a modern, forward-looking land-use vision for the new Official Plan that reflects our diverse, young and innovative community: ‘Milton 2051: Choice Shapes Us. In 2051, Milton offers a diversity of options for how and where we live, work, move and grow. As we evolve, choice is what shapes us.’
Attend an Event to Shape the Future of ‘Growing in Milton’
Share Attend an Event to Shape the Future of ‘Growing in Milton’ on Facebook Share Attend an Event to Shape the Future of ‘Growing in Milton’ on Twitter Share Attend an Event to Shape the Future of ‘Growing in Milton’ on Linkedin Email Attend an Event to Shape the Future of ‘Growing in Milton’ linkThe Town of Milton invites residents and interested parties to attend engagement sessions on how and where future growth may shape the community through Milton’s new Official Plan.
Public engagement is at the heart of We Make Milton, the new Official Plan project that will manage growth and development in the community to the year 2051.
The Growing in Milton step of the project explores policy options regarding:
- Promoting a local approach to growth.
- Establishing Milton’s future land use structure.
- Managing growth within the settlement areas.
- Envisioning growth and promoting good practice.
- Promoting resource and environmental protection.
- Delivering infrastructure and community services.
Attend a Growing in Milton engagement session:
- Tuesday, September 12, 2023 at 7 p.m. Register for Zoom webinar.
- Thursday, September 14, 2023 at 3 p.m. Register for Zoom webinar.
- Tuesday, September 26, 2023 at 10 a.m. Register for Zoom webinar.
In person:
- Thursday, September 28, 2023 at 7 p.m. Milton Town Hall. Milton Room. No pre-registration required.
Other ways to get involved:
The community can visit Let’s Talk Milton to engage in a variety of ways:
- Read the draft background and policy considerations reports.
- Complete the survey before September 29.
- Attend an information session online or in person.
- Share your thoughts on any Official Plan topic any time in the Feedback Forum.
A report with policy recommendations is expected to go to Milton Council for approval in November.
In 2021, Milton Council endorsed a modern, forward-looking land-use vision for the new Official Plan that reflects our diverse, young and innovative community: ‘Milton 2051: Choice Shapes Us. In 2051, Milton offers a diversity of options for how and where we live, work, move and grow. As we evolve, choice is what shapes us.’
Town seeks community feedback on ‘Growing in Milton’
Share Town seeks community feedback on ‘Growing in Milton’ on Facebook Share Town seeks community feedback on ‘Growing in Milton’ on Twitter Share Town seeks community feedback on ‘Growing in Milton’ on Linkedin Email Town seeks community feedback on ‘Growing in Milton’ linkThe Town of Milton is seeking public input on how and where future growth may shape the community, to inform Milton’s new Official Plan.
Public engagement is at the heart of We Make Milton, the new Official Plan project that will manage growth and development in the community to the year 2051.
The Growing in Milton step of the project explores policy options regarding:
- Promoting a local approach to growth.
- Establishing Milton’s future land use structure.
- Managing growth within the settlement areas.
- Envisioning growth and promoting good practice.
- Promoting resource and environmental protection.
- Delivering infrastructure and community services.
How to get involved:
The community can visit Let’s Talk Milton to engage in a variety of ways:
- Read the draft background and policy considerations reports.
- Complete the survey before September 29.
- Attend an information session online or in person.
- Share your thoughts on any Official Plan topic any time in the Feedback Forum.
A report with policy recommendations is expected to go to Milton Council for approval in November.
In 2021, Milton Council endorsed a modern, forward-looking land-use vision for the new Official Plan that reflects our diverse, young and innovative community: ‘Milton 2051: Choice Shapes Us. In 2051, Milton offers a diversity of options for how and where we live, work, move and grow. As we evolve, choice is what shapes us.’
Milton’s Official Plan update, We Make Milton, advances
Share Milton’s Official Plan update, We Make Milton, advances on Facebook Share Milton’s Official Plan update, We Make Milton, advances on Twitter Share Milton’s Official Plan update, We Make Milton, advances on Linkedin Email Milton’s Official Plan update, We Make Milton, advances linkWe Make Milton, the Town of Milton’s Official Plan project, took another step forward as Council endorsed policy directions for the Working in Milton theme that will help shape the future of Milton.
At its meeting on July 17, 2023, Council discussed and supported policy directions for the Working in Milton theme, which will help inform land-use decisions that affect Milton’s future employment base.
The Working in Milton topic papers explore policy options for how to:
- Protect Milton’s existing and future employment base.
- Accommodate and attract a spectrum of industries and businesses.
- Sustain and foster future employment growth through flexibility and adaptability.
- Address climate change, greenhouse gas emissions and air quality.
- Encourage employment intensification in mixed-use and strategic growth areas.
- Support and expand existing and future employment in rural areas.
Policy directions were developed based on community and stakeholder input, provincial, regional, and local legislation and guidance, and current planning best practices.
We Make Milton, the new Official Plan project, will engage on growth-related topics of Growing in Milton later this year.
In 2021, Milton Council endorsed a modern, forward-looking land-use vision for the new Official Plan that reflects our diverse, young and innovative community: ‘Milton 2051: Choice Shapes Us. In 2051, Milton offers a diversity of options for how and where we live, work, move and grow. As we evolve, choice is what shapes us.’
“The Council-endorsed policy directions for the new Official Plan’s Working in Milton topics – which address how we protect, grow and locate employment - align with the Council vision for the Town. This will help us continue to be a great place to work, live and play, as we continue to make Milton a Place of Possibility.”
- Mayor Gord Krantz, Town of Milton
“Thank you to everyone who continues to share feedback on We Make Milton, our new Official Plan project. This input matters and it has informed these policy directions that will help us manage change and achieve our land-use vision, Choice Shapes Us.”
- Jill Hogan, Commissioner, Development Services, Town of Milton
Who's Listening
Phone 905-878-7252 Email WeMakeMilton@milton.ca
Life Cycle
Listening and Learning
We Make Milton - Official Plan project has finished this stageJune - November 2019
We Make Milton - Official Plan project has finished this stageDecember 2019 - February 2021
Big Questions
We Make Milton - Official Plan project has finished this stageMarch 2021 - ongoing
Drafting and Discussing
We Make Milton - Official Plan project is currently at this stage -
New Official Plan
this is an upcoming stage for We Make Milton - Official Plan project
Important Links
Click here to play video Virtual Engagement Session - 2024 Draft Official Plan Virtual Engagement Session - August 22, 2024
Click here to play video Meet the Miltons!
Click here to play video Living in Milton policy topic explanations Watch the full playlist of YouTube for detailed information about the Living in Milton policy topics.
Click here to play video Visioning Night with Charles Montgomery Charles Montgomery, award-winning urbanist and author, spoke to Milton community members at Visioning Night - an evening designed to open conversation and inspire visionary thinking about Milton's future.