2025 Budget
Consultation has concluded
The 2025 Capital and Operating Budget
The Town of Milton strives to foster a vibrant and inclusive community where residents thrive, businesses flourish and nature is cherished.
Central to the Town’s ability to achieve this vision are the investments made in infrastructure to support the municipal services provided to the public, as well as the funding to deliver services such as firefighting, snow clearing, maintenance of roads, as well as parks, transit, recreation, and libraries.
The Capital and Operating Budget provides for these community investments and reflects Council’s vision for the Town.
Town studies and plans, including the 2023-2027 Strategic Plan, master plans, the Development Charge Background Study, Fiscal Impact Analyses, and the Town’s Asset Management Plan form the framework for investment in the community.
The annual budget process prioritizes and balances the allocation of available resources to support Town priorities and ultimately deliver services to the community.
The Budget Call report was delivered on Sept. 9, 2024. This report provided an initial overview of the anticipated budget pressures for the upcoming year and informed the 2025 Budget process. On Nov. 13, 2024, the 2025 Budget was released, which will be deliberated by Council on Dec. 2, 2024.
The Town of Milton is interested in your input in prioritizing services and investments for the coming year. Council and staff will consider the comments you submit as part of the budget process.
How you can provide input
In addition to Council’s vision, the Town’s budget process starts with considering community feedback on those priorities, as well as the data that has been collected to inform the Town’s decision making.
Residents and businesses have opportunities to provide input into the Town’s budget through:
- Speaking to the Mayor or their Ward Councillors
- Participating in ongoing community engagement activities (e.g., public meetings, secondary plans, park design and development projects, master plans)
- Exploring this engagement page during the annual budget process.