Town seeks community feedback on ‘Working in Milton’

The Town of Milton is seeking public input on how people work in Milton, to inform the review and update of the Official Plan that will shape the future of Milton.
Public engagement is at the heart of We Make Milton, the new Official Plan project that will manage growth and development in the community to the year 2051.
The Working in Milton step of the project explores policy options regarding how to:
- Protect Milton’s existing and future employment base.
- Accommodate and attract a spectrum of industries and businesses.
- Sustain and foster future employment growth through flexibility and adaptability.
- Address climate change, greenhouse gas emissions and air quality.
- Encourage employment intensification in mixed-use and strategic growth areas.
- Support and expand existing and future employment in rural areas.
How to get involved:
The community can visit Let’s Talk Milton to engage in a variety of ways:
- Read the draft background and policy considerations reports.
- Complete the survey before June 21.
- Attend an information session online or in person.
- Share your thoughts on any Official Plan topic any time in the Feedback Forum.
See more details about information sessions under Key Dates on Let’s Talk Milton.
A report with policy recommendations will go to Milton Council for approval in July. Engagement on the remaining We Make Milton policy theme, Growing in Milton, will occur later this year.
In 2021, Milton Council endorsed a modern, forward-looking land-use vision for the new Official Plan that reflects our diverse, young and innovative community: ‘Milton 2051: Choice Shapes Us. In 2051, Milton offers a diversity of options for how and where we live, work, move and grow. As we evolve, choice is what shapes us.’